
E-Sports Arcade

344 Springhill Farm Road Fort Mill, SC 29715
Phone: 704-806-7958
Business Hours: 8-4Email: theesportsarcade@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Each week, we offer camps based on different video game genres. Children learn tactics, strategies, current metas to improve their performance and creativity in a safe and secure environment. The kids make our camps great, because we foster an environment that has behavior expectations, accountability, exercise, conversations and hopefully new friendships by the end. Our camp size is limited to 20 kids, runs Monday-Friday 8am–4pm, campers must bring their own lunches, we have a refrigerator and a microwave available. We strive to have your kids be more than screen zombie sheep, instead we work to build up lions in our community that can think for themselves, communicate clearly and are considerate of others in the end, the kids have fun, while still being kids. Support local businesses and check us out!

Click HERE to register for our 2024 summer camps!