
SAVE THE DATE: Be Jonathan Strong 5K

Melanated Melon hosts 5K to Raise Funds for Childhood Cancer

By Kathryn Martin, CEO and Founder ~ Melanated Melon August 15, 2022

Your son has approximately 6 months to live. 

Before my 15-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer, I was a mom preparing her healthy child for 10th grade, band camp, driver’s education and college. Never could I have imagined my life so heavily impacted by cancer as it has been over the last three years. 

Anticipating a life of rest and relaxation, following 20 years of active duty Army service, God saw differently. Not long after I retired, I Iost my mother, Valerie, at 63 to lymphoma and at age 31, my baby sister, Jacqueline, would develop brain cancer that has since spread to her chest, spine and she is still battling today; and with all of that, nothing could have prepared me to watch my son, Johnathan, fight for his life for those three short painful months. 

On July 1, he would be diagnosed with NUT Midline Carcinoma a rare, very aggressive cancer with poor prognosis. Unfortunately, his diagnosis would seal his fate and even in believing for a miracle and praying unceasingly for a different outcome, as predicted by doctors, Johnathan’s body would fail him.  He passed away on October 5, 2021. 

How did we get here? Why is this happening to him and my family? Who can we get to give us some straight answers? What’s with cancer and why am I forced to accept a hand full of treatment options? Where is my support structure? Somebody help me, please! 

The battle was silent, painful, and heartbreaking but more than that, it was swift. Johnathan moved through his cancer with the grace and dignity of a divine being. I watched him deteriorate week by week for approximately three months, but I also watched him become a whole man, unbothered, just happy to wake up every day with no complaint, no anger, no malice in his heart. And for all his troubles, he lost his life peaceably in our home, me holding his hand and singing a hymnal, us surrounded by loved ones. My high-energy, highly astute young man became a shell of himself until he could fight no more and from that pain formed Melanated Melon

Melanated Melon is a veteran-driven humanitarian effort committed to supporting families impacted by childhood cancer. Through fun, form and philanthropy we offer families holistic support, spread awareness and provide funding for research to our partner hospitals. Our programs include:

  • Food and Fuel Cards – a small token of affection that does not even compare to the steady stream of doctor’s bill most families will experience, but we want to help; 
  • Gift Boxes – to make a child smile during a visit, donate a gift box and help us make their day better;
  • Legacy Gifts – for the families whose diagnosis come with loss. We can help you memorialize a piece of your child’s heart through custom wearable jewelry;
  • The Johnathan McCain Scholarship Fund – for children who aspire to fight cancer through education in order to keep Johnathan’s legacy going strong for years to come.

Melanated Melon derived from an observation and a concern. The observation; the number of children fighting for their lives. The concern; how do we change it and what are we going to do about it? 

Like Johnathan, I am going to fight with grace and dignity for a cure. Like Johnathan, I am going to show up and be present for people in need. Like Johnathan, I am going to make a difference in the cancer community and beyond and like him, I’m going to be Johnathan Strong!

If you are looking for more ways to get involved with Melanated Melon, please reach out to us via email at You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  And please consider joining us for our run/walk on September 10th at Walter Y. Elisha Park in Fort Mill.