
Blooming Einsteins - After School and Activity Guide

By Heather McCloskey August 7, 2019

Blooming Einsteins
2752 Pleasant Road, Suite 103
Fort Mill, SC US

With a passion for education and the recognition of a need, Blooming Einsteins was born to make a difference in the community. Blooming Einsteins is a facility for students with a determination to learn, engage, and explore their inner geniuses. They know that every child is unique and believe that success and growth come from encouragement, praise, and the opportunity to experience. 

The after school program is designed for students in grades K - 7th. Students receive an afternoon snack and then they begin working on homework assignments. The staff will assist in helping students complete their homework and review their homework for completeness. Upon completion and approval from staff, students will then begin their enrichment time which will be composed of one of the above five focus areas. Any remaining time before they are picked up will be considered "free time" where they can continue engaging in the enrichment activity, use our learning center for reading, research, or additional learning, clubs, or participate in physical activity in either our outdoor or indoor activity areas.

The Blooming Einsteins Preschool Program is a unique, innovative experience that strives to balance education and recreation with our students so that they can excel and build their confidence as they approach elementary school. The curriculum topics include reading, writing, math, reasoning, science, engineering, foreign language, social studies, music, theater, movement, art, manipulatives, and educational technology.