Looking for something easy and yummy that your kids can make to celebrate Earth Day? Look no further! Try these simple "Crispy Earth" treats!
10 oz Marshmellows
3 tbsp Butter
6 cups Crispy Rice Cereal
4 drops Green Food Coloring
4 drops Blue Food Coloring
Add Marshmellows and Butter to a large, microwave safe bowl and microwave for 3 minutes. (stir after 2)
Separate the Marshmallow mix into 2 bowls
Add Green food coloring to one bowl and blue food coloring to the other bowl
Stir in 3 cups of rice cereal into each bowl
Once it is combined, take a small handful from each bowl and mix together to form a ball
Place each "Earth" on top of a stick for easy serving
*Here's a tip! Spray the spoons and your hands with cooking oil for easier mixing!